This project is an intersection of three passions of mine... running, being outdoors, and photography. Every photo was taken from a Saturday morning run in 2017. For me, this project is less of a documentation of each run but more of a reflection on things that I notice and appreciate. It could be an aspect of nature, a component of architecture, other people, or something seemingly mundane, yet gives me an appreciation of the world in which I live. My hope is to capture that observation with my camera in a way that reflects my gratitude for the subject. I shot many photographs on each run, but I’ve selected just one to represent that specific Saturday morning. And with this project I did something I‘ve never done before... create a body of work that is from me and about me.
I challenged myself to run at least a thousand miles in 2017 and, and Saturday mornings were a fraction of that distance. This is the case now as it was then... not every run is perfect or even good for that matter. At times, my mind gets the best of me, negative thoughts and self-doubt creep in, and I consider giving up. But I come back to these photographs in my head as I put one foot in front of the other. And as I think about these photos, the time and place where they were shot, this is what went through my through my head then and what still resonates with me today... I remember the relaxing trip to Tampa with college friends, the perseverance of the woman crossing the finish line in her wheelchair, and the unbound energy of my dog running along side. I recall the seemingly random, yet perfect arrangement of tree branches against the cold winter sky, the peppered gray hair in my husband’s beard as we enjoy our infrequent quiet time together, and the blooming daffodils informing me that spring is finally here. I smile at the thought of the carefree group of teenage girls posing for a picture and hope that their friendship continues as the years go by and life gets more complex. And I cherish knowing that my son is excited at home as I run by the passing train, because I know that he hears it too. These photographs represent what is and what lies ahead. They motivate me to press on and explore what is around that next bend in the trail. And this applies not only to running, but life in general. Now that this project is over, running serves as metaphor for me with this collection of photos... a life moving forward, seeking new experiences, remembering what is important, and transformation for the better.
A selection of these photographs were on exhibit at the Photofusion Gallery in London, England, the Parthenon Art Museum in Nashville, the John P. Holt Brentwood Public Library, the Williamson County Public Library, Aspire Springfield and Franklin City Hall's Fire Hall Gallery.

Blue Heron
River Park Trail
Brentwood, TN

Little Harpeth Trail
Franklin, TN

Morning of the Women's March
National Mall
Washington, D.C.

Boiling Springs Trail
Brentwood, TN

Old Tampa Bay
Tampa, FL

Crockett Park
Brentwood, TN

Leaning Trees
Radnor Lake
Nashville, TN

Finish Line
Predators Fangtastic 5K
Nashville, TN

Foot Falls
Tower Park
Brentwood, TN

Husky in the Snow
River Park Trail
Brentwood, TN

Neighbor's House
Brentwood, TN

Ravenwood Trail
Brentwood, TN

Best Friends
Ravenwood High School Color Dash
Brentwood, TN

Harlinsdale Farm Park
Franklin, TN

Sydney Lane
Brentwood, TN

Caught in the Rain
Aspen Grove Park
Franklin, TN

Good Decision
St. Jude Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon
Nashville, TN

The Sweet Smell of Honey Suckle
Tower Park Trail
Brentwood, TN

Water Tower
The Factory at Franklin
Franklin, TN

View from Pedestrian Bridge
Shelby Bottoms Greenway
Nashville, TN

Spiral Staircase
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN

Life Is Good
Lake Lawn Lodge
Delavan, WI

June Gloom
Along the Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, CA

Little Patch of Paradise
River Park Trail
Brentwood, TN

Half Mile from Home
Inglehame Farms
Brentwood, TN

Footprints in the Sand
Cumberland Park
Nashville, TN

The Biltmore House
Lagoon Trail
Asheville, NC

Favorite Place on Earth
View from the Boardwalk
Long Beach, NY

Water Play
Millenium Park
Chicago, IL

Athens of the South
Centennial Park
Nashville, TN

Lane 3
RHS Track
Brentwood, TN

Race Buddies
Tomato Art Fest 5k
East Nashville, TN

Wild Turkeys
Wilson Pike
Brentwood, TN