These photographs, made on 35mm film, tell a story about my (then) six-year-old daughter, Eleanor. As her mother, I wanted to celebrate her unique life as a Kindergartener. Eleanor is an oasis of calm and a fountain of joy amidst the tumult of our everyday lives. Her older brother, Aidan, has a set of disabilities that requires my husband and I to provide continuous assistance and attention throughout every aspect of his day. And while she gets ample love and attention from us too, I recognize that family life for her is atypical. Spending time photographing Eleanor for this project has been a small way to create something special just for her. These everyday images of her illustrate her resilience and resolve to make the most of each day. And it has given me a way to “stop time” to forever cherish these special moments in her life and always remember the sweet, little girl that I am so fortunate to have. As is with many siblings of those with disabilities, Eleanor loves her brother fiercely, looks up to him, and teaches others that he is more like them than different. And this makes makes my heart happier than anyone knows.
I enjoy reading books to my kids, especially ones in which the stories rhyme. With this in mind, I created a book for Eleanor that includes a poem to accompany the photographs on each page.

My sweet, little girl,
Just five years old.
Starting school,
New adventures unfold.

Best of friends,
Hugs and fun.
Secrets and playtime,
Out in the sun.

YouTube videos,
And favorite apps.
An hour is up,
It goes by fast!

"Practice makes better,"
Someone wise once said.
A little each day,
And the songs stick in your head!

We learn that life sometimes
Doesn't go our way.
But thankfully tomorrow
Is another day.

You're both very different,
Yet still the same.
Loving music, books, super heroes,
And fun, silly games.

You twist and twirl
With style and grace.
And in my heart
You're always first place.

"What happened to my baby?"
Cries Mom as time goes by.
Another week, another month,
Another year... they just fly!

And now you are six.
Poof... just like that!
But it is Eleanor's magic
That nobody can match.

You can do anything my daughter,
You set your mind to.
Just know your family and friends
Are always there for you!